StandortViolinenstraße 3

The gothic warehouse in the Violinenstraße

The ViolinenStraße leads along the city wall at the Schiesshagen. Affectionately, it is also called "Violunze" or "Vijelunze". It begins at the former border between old and new town and leads to the Enser Straße. It received its name only in the middle of the 19th century, probably because there were living two town musicians. For almost 700 years, Korbach´s largest stone house has been standing here.

The gothic building used to serve as warehouse and residential house. The historian Dr. Medding calls it the most splendid of the three conserved stone houses in the old town. It is located at the lower end of the Violinenstraße and was probably built by a local merchant in 1330. Originally, beside the main house, a stable and a barn belonged to the plot of land in the Enser Straße 4. Further stone houses were built between 1330 and 1350, mainly used by travelling merchants as fire proof warehouses. Above two residential storeys, three more floors were used for storage. In old municipal documents, the stone houses are also called "Steinkammern" (stone chambers).

Das Gotische Lagerhaus in der Violinenstraße

In 1926, the community of Korbach acquired the stone house, that served as youth hostel until 1954 (compare "Die Häuser in Alt-Korbach und ihre Besitzer", issue 5, Korbach 1959, page 118). Today, it is being used as store room for the museum, and by the "Schützengilde" (gunners´ guild).

Steinhaus in der Violinenstraße


© Dominic Berger/ M. Möller


Hans Osterhold: Meine Stadt. Korbacher Bauten erzählen Stadtgeschichte, hrsg. vom Magistrat der Kreisstadt Korbach, 3. Aufl., Korbach 2004.

Ein Rundgang durch die alte Stadt, bearb. von Ursula Wolkers, hrsg. vom Wilhelm Bing Verlag und Magistrat der Stadt Korbach mit Förderung der Sparkassenstiftung Waldeck-Frankenberg, Korbach 1999.

Erwin Günther und das Team des Stadtarchivs Korbach: Was die Namen der Korbacher Straßen erzählen . und was sie verbergen, hrsg. vom Magistrat der Kreistadt Korbach, 1. Aufl., Korbach. 2008.

Die Häuser in Alt-Korbach und ihre Besitzer, bearb. von Hermann Thomas, hrsg. vom Stadtarchiv Korbach, Heft 5, Korbach 1959.